We are art-syndicate established is Moscow by Alexander Katanaev and Simon Heartz.
«Heartz» defining hybrid of words «Heart» and «Hertz», «immo» stands for Immortality. This simple wordplay reflects our message: digitization of every aspect of life
to which humanity is steadily
reaching during 21st century.
We are not just making clothes — every collection, every detail, every element of visual code tells a little story about mankind beyond the line of daily routine.
The end is near / be prepared
ИП Попов Семен Александрович
ИНН: 502989857770
ОГРНИП: 323774600392935
Support: t.me/heartzsuppportbot / info@heartz.immo
For inquiries: work@heartz.immo
Telegram: heartzimmo
VK: heartz.immo